Jubilee 2025 - What is the Jubilee in Rome in 2025? The one that will take place in 2025 will be the second with Pope Francis. As many know, the Jubilee is a special year of grace, in which the Catholic Church offers the faithful the possibility of asking for a plenary indulgence

The Jubilee 2025: “Pilgrims of Hope”

The Jubilee, also known as the Holy Year, is an event of great importance in the Catholic Church. This extraordinary event, which takes place every 25 years, is a time of peace, forgiveness, and spiritual renewal.

What is the 2025 Jubilee?

The term “Jubilee” comes from the Hebrew term “yobel”, which means “ram’s horn”. In Jewish tradition, the sound of the horn marked the beginning of a special year of remission and forgiveness. The Catholic Church adopted this tradition, turning it into a year of pilgrimage, prayer, and reconciliation.

History of the Jubilee

The first Jubilee of the Catholic Church was proclaimed by Pope Boniface VIII in 1300. Since then, the Church has celebrated a Jubilee every 25 years, unless the Pope decides to call an extraordinary Jubilee, as Pope Francis did in 2015.

The Meaning of the Jubilee 2025

The Jubilee is a time for believers around the world to reflect on their faith, seek forgiveness, and renew their commitment to following Christ’s teachings. It is also a time for the Church to renew its commitment to serving the poor and needy.

The Jubilee and Rome

Rome, as the seat of the Vatican, plays a central role in the Jubilee. During the Holy Year, millions of pilgrims visit the city to participate in special masses, receive plenary indulgence, and pass through the Holy Door in Rome’s major basilicas.

The Jubilee is an event that unites Catholics around the world in a moment of prayer and reflection. It is an opportunity to renew faith and remember the importance of forgiveness and mercy in Christian life.

Remember, the Jubilee is not just a historical event, but an opportunity for each of us to take a step forward in our faith and our commitment to live according to Christ’s teachings.

The indulgence rites

During the Jubilee, pilgrims are called to follow some specific rites that characterise the indulgent practice:

Passing through the Holy Door: This is a symbolic act that represents entry into a sacred place and the beginning of the spiritual pilgrimage.

The Pilgrimage: The pilgrimage is a physical journey that symbolises a spiritual journey towards God.

The Profession of Faith: During the Jubilee, pilgrims are invited to renew their profession of faith.

Reconciliation: This is a time of personal reflection and repentance of sins. It is an opportunity for pilgrims to seek conversion and God’s forgiveness.

A Gesture of Charity: Finally, pilgrims are invited to make a gesture of charity. This can be an act of kindness, a gift to those in need, or any other act that helps restore justice to the world.

These rites help pilgrims to fully experience the Jubilee, drawing closer to God and seeking his mercy.

Most frequently asked questions – Jubilee 2025

What happens when you enter the Holy Door?

According to tradition, anyone who crosses one of the Sacred Doors during the Jubilee Year receives the annulment of all sins. Each celebration of the Jubilee (or Holy Year) is announced through the dissemination of an official document known as the “Papal Bull”. It is expected that the relevant Papal Bull will be published on 9 May 2024. This official announcement will mark the start of preparations for the Holy Year.

What is the meaning of the Holy Door?

The Holy Door, the central symbol of the Jubilee, represents a “bridge” built between the material and spiritual worlds. Through this bridge, the faithful can get closer to God and receive his mercy, in fact it represents the passage towards salvation.

What is the rite of opening the Holy Door?

The ceremony begins with a solemn procession, led by the Holy Father, which heads towards the Holy Door. Upon his arrival, the Pope recalls the importance of the Jubilee.

When the procession arrives in front of the Holy Door, the Holy Father pronounces the words: “This is the door of the Lord. Through it the righteous will enter.” Subsequently, the Holy Door opens, marking the official start of the Jubilee Year.

This moment is rich in symbolism. The opening of the Holy Door represents the opening of the path towards salvation, a path that every believer is invited to undertake during the Holy Year. Through this door, pilgrims enter a period of reflection and spiritual renewal.

How long is the Holy Door open for?

The Holy Door remains open for the entire Holy Year, welcoming pilgrims from all over the world. At the end of the Holy Year, the door is closed and walled up again, awaiting the next Jubilee.

The Holy Door, once closed at the end of the Holy Year, remains walled up for a quarter of a century. For 25 years, the door remains sealed, a tangible symbol of the time that passes between one Holy Year and the next. This long interval underlines the importance and sacredness of the Jubilee.

What is the rite of opening the Holy Door?

For the Catholic Jubilee 2025, the opening ceremony will take place at the Holy Door of St. Peter on 24 December 2024, at 4.30pm. This event marks the beginning of the Jubilee Year.

In the following days, the other three Sacred Doors will also be opened: San Paolo Fuori le Mura, San Giovanni in Laterano and Santa Maria Maggiore. These doors will remain open for the entire Holy Year, with the exception of the normal night-time closure, until the end of the Holy Year, expected around November 20, 2026.

How to participate in the Jubilee 2025?

Users can register on the official website or via the dedicated app, where they will receive the “Pilgrim Card” in digital version with a personal QR code. This card is essential for accessing Jubilee events and for organising the pilgrimage to the Holy Door.

How do I get the Pilgrim Card?

The Pilgrim Card is free and nominal, and can be obtained by registering on the registration portal. With it, pilgrims can register for events, report special needs and manage reservations. A version with additional services is also available which offers benefits on transport, accommodation and catering.
